“100% natural”, “space” and “paradise”: these are the words holidaymakers here use to describe our region. In Doué-en-Anjou, you are completely free to take your time and recharge your batteries so you can start off the new year on the right foot.
Camping at the water’s edge.
Our two campgrounds are located close to lovely waterways: the Douet for Les Rives du Douet and the Layon for Les Grésillons. These peaceful waterways have been developed for fishing at certain spots. The fishing area at Camping les Rives du Douet is right by the entrance to the site.
Relax more with wellness activities
Relaxation activities are offered at our campground every summer, with a focus on wellness and unwinding. “Laughter yoga” is a technique involving series of very short laughing exercises designed to get participants to laugh for no reason. They allow for spontaneity and good humour over the course of an hour. Participates come away with a boost in morale for the rest of the day.
Outdoor accommodation
Les rives du Douet
experience relaxation

Les Grésillons
experience nature